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A female runner runs uphill on an open forest trail
group of people running in a line
a runner crouches into a starting stance in anticipation for a race
A man runs on a treadmill with sensors taped onto various parts of his body to track his heart rate as shown on a heart rate monitor.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mariya Opanova points to an X-ray while speaking with a female patient in an exam room.
orange-soled athletic shoes stick out from under the covers of a comforter on a bed
three men in neon green volunteer shirts and a woman in a white volunteer shirt stand in front of a blue pop-up tent that says Hawaii Pacific Health
young boy looking off into the distance thinking with a shadow of a professional baseball player behind him to signify his dreams of playing in the Major Leagues
pregnant woman dressed in workout clothes sits on an exercise ball while holding dumbbells in both hands and wearing a towel draped over her neck to signify working out
female athlete showing exhaustion by laying down on an outdoor running track
athletic woman bent over holding shin in pain while on a run outdoors
Gerry DeBenedetti sits in her driveway surrounded by her four quilts
Volunteers gather on the field of Aloha Stadium for a safety brief before the start of the Great Aloha Run
close-up of a male runner grabbing his knee in pain
a group of people in front of a display at a convention
a woman relaxes in a hammock by the beach