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a doctor dressed in scrubs looks at a digital image of a brain with hot spots where neurons are firing
A young girl sitting curled up against a wall with her head in her hands
Two male doctors look at a computer screen in an exam room.
A cross-sectional diagram of a kidney with kidney stones
Woman holding an apple with a heart-shaped bite taken out of it
A man runs on a treadmill with sensors taped onto various parts of his body to track his heart rate as shown on a heart rate monitor.
A doctor talks with a colleague in a hallway.
Ezekiel Cruz
Mahoe Dancel
Skyla-Rose Teguh
Sophia Robinson
Marol Kawada holds and kisses her youngest son, Michael
anatomical model of the digestive system
depiction of a man with pieces of his head fading away to represent memory loss
an illustration of a female wearing high-cut briefs with flowers surrounding the pubic area
a gloved doctor's hand holding a syringe and vaccine vile