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Two medical care providers in a clinic hallway having a friendly discussion.
A male doctor and male patient sit in an exam room
medical monitors display a patient's vital signs and a scan of a heart
Two male doctors look at a computer screen in an exam room.
A young boy in a flannel jacket smiles at the camera as he stands in front of a blurred forest background.
A male physician holds up a 3D model titled "Erosive Esophagitis" while talking to a female patient in an exam room.
Dr. Louis Capecci wears surgical scrubs and washes his hands as he prepares for surgery in a hospital.
A group of doctors, nurses and hospital administrative staff smile at the camera for a group photo taken outside of a medical center in Hawaii
Two women walk through a brightly lit hall in a children's hospital, looking at each other and talking
Dr. Paula Lee and oncology nurse practitioner Joanna Agena talk in the doorway of an empty exam room
A doctor talks with a colleague in a hallway.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mariya Opanova points to an X-ray while speaking with a female patient in an exam room.
A male doctor holds a model of a brain and talks with a female patient as they sit in an exam room.
A female and male doctor and a female nurse talk around a table
a doctor in scrubs looks into a microscope