All articles tagged with

preventive screenings

Two medical care providers in a clinic hallway having a friendly discussion.
Three women stand close together holding a framed photo of another woman.
a male medical assistant and female doctor review an X-ray of a knee in an exam room
a doctor dressed in scrubs looks at a digital image of a brain with hot spots where neurons are firing
Doctor holding up a model of an intestinal tract
medical monitors display a patient's vital signs and a scan of a heart
Machine holding a sample
A man a woman stand holding hands with their two toddler sons in a grassy field in front of a mountain.
Three women stand closely together in a tropical rainforest.
A male physician holds up a 3D model titled "Erosive Esophagitis" while talking to a female patient in an exam room.
woman getting her heart examined by doctor
A man runs on a treadmill with sensors taped onto various parts of his body to track his heart rate as shown on a heart rate monitor.
Dr. Paula Lee and oncology nurse practitioner Joanna Agena talk in the doorway of an empty exam room
a doctor in scrubs looks into a microscope