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a doctor dressed in scrubs looks at a digital image of a brain with hot spots where neurons are firing
a middle-age Asian woman holds her chin as her face droops to one side indicating a stroke
A male doctor and male patient sit in an exam room
medical monitors display a patient's vital signs and a scan of a heart
A man pushes a grocery cart full of fresh fruits and vegetables
Two male doctors look at a computer screen in an exam room.
a physician wearing blue scrubs and a white glove holds up a scan of a brain that has red areas shaded to indicate a stroke
A male physician holds up a 3D model titled "Erosive Esophagitis" while talking to a female patient in an exam room.
woman getting her heart examined by doctor
Woman holding an apple with a heart-shaped bite taken out of it
Dr. Paula Lee and oncology nurse practitioner Joanna Agena talk in the doorway of an empty exam room
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mariya Opanova points to an X-ray while speaking with a female patient in an exam room.
A male doctor holds a model of a brain and talks with a female patient as they sit in an exam room.
middle-aged man in a white T-shirt holds his stomach with a look of pain on his face to indicate possible colon cancer
man with brace on wrist texting