Dining Out? Make Healthy Menu Selections
American families now spend as much as 50 percent of their food budget on meals away from home.
All this restaurant fare comes at a greater cost than what appears on the bill or is left in servers’ tips – harm to children’s health.
The obesity rate among kids and teens has skyrocketed right alongside rates of eating out.
And while fast food gets most of the blame, sit-down dining establishments shouldn’t be overlooked. Both add extra calories and sugary beverages to kids’ diets, a new study finds.
Reducing the Damage
You don’t have to ban diners or drive-thrus. Smart choices can keep your family eating healthy at almost any establishment. Here’s how:
- Skip all-you-can-eat buffets. Everyone is more likely to overeat there.
- Take a family walk before or after a restaurant meal.
- Choose eateries with calorie counts on the menu, or scope out nutrition information online before you go.
- When you’re dining together with your kids, set an example. Order a salad or pick grilled foods over fried.
Published on: April 26, 2016