Shocked. That's the most appropriate word to use when you find out you're expecting five – yes, FIVE – babies.
"I found out I was pregnant with quintuplets when I was just a bit over 16 weeks," says Marcie Dela Cruz, who became the first person in Hawaii to give birth to surviving quintuplets on Oct. 10, 2015.
"I went into pre-term labor at 23 weeks and was admitted to Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children, where I remained for five and a half weeks before giving birth," Marcie recalls.
All five babies were in the Kapiolani Neonatal Intensive Care Unit until December.
Kapena (the oldest) and Kupono (the middle) were the first two babies to go home one Dec. 13.
Kaolu (the youngest) joined them the very next day.
Keahi (the smallest at birth) and Kamalii (the only girl) were the last to arrive home on Christmas Eve, two months and two weeks after their birth.
Now 1 year old, the babies are doing great. They have no known complications and have not only caught up with, but surpassed the normal weight of babies their age.
And while having six keiki under the age of 4 (she and husband, Ray, also have a 3-year-old son, Makaio) is certainly a life-changer, Marcie says it was her experience at Kapiolani that left the real impact.
"I saw so much compassion, patience and willingness to make patients happy from everyone I encountered," she says. "I'll forever be thankful for those who took care of me during my pregnancy and those who cared for my babies during the first couple of months of their lives. Mahalo nui loa!"
Published on: November 14, 2016