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arm of blood donor with a heart printed bandage holding a heart

Blood Drive at HPH Harbor Court

Harbor Court, 25th Floor Diamon Head Conference Room & Kafe

arm of blood donor with a heart printed bandage holding a heart

Blood Drive at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children

Kapiolani Medical Center Diamond Head Tower, Conference Rooms 8, 9 & 10

arm of blood donor with heart printed bandage holding a heart

Blood Drive at Pali Momi Medical Center

Pali Momi Medical Center, Diamond Head Conference Room

Healthier Hawaii

child patient getting an immunization shot

HPV Vaccine Benefits Both Girls & Boys

Parents want to protect their children from everything, including life-threatening diseases or viruses.

patient getting a immunization shot

Good Health Isn’t a Long Shot, if You Get Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated protects you, your loved ones and your community against the spread of dangerous diseases.

people getting therapy for their arthritis

Getting a Grip on Arthritis

Many adults are all too familiar with the symptoms of arthritis.

Two parents holding their newborn baby

Cord Blood Banking: What New Parents Should Know

This quick and completely safe procedure can provide potentially life-saving treatments for children across the world.

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