Jonah Hoopili

Jonah Hoopili and family

Jonah Hoopili, 5 years old, was riding her bike at home in Waianae Valley when she had a bad fall.

Her mom rushed her to the Pali Momi Emergency Room where Dr. Andy Lee diagnosed Jonah with an elbow fracture to her right arm, but doctors noticed there was something more. 

While an elbow fracture can be common in children, Dr. Lee was concerned about the lack of pulse in her wrist. Because some children with elbow fractures can have vascular complications resulting in limb loss, Dr. Lee consulted with colleague Dr. Neil Manago and pediatric orthopedic surgeon Dr. Byron Izuka from Kapiolani.

Together, the doctors decided the treatment should be urgently performed by the team at Pali Momi rather than transferring Jonah to Kapiolani. Within four hours of arriving in the ER, Jonah had the help she needed.  Today, she is a healthy and happy young girl with no long-term damage as a result of her injury.

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