Wilcox Medical Center is partnering with several community organizations to present the 2017 Kauai Keiki Bike & Safety Day, a free safety education event for kids and families. It will be held Saturday, May 6, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Wilcox Medical Center.
Keiki are invited to collect stamps to enter a free drawing for a new bike or skateboard. A variety of safety education and activity stations will be offered including:
- Helmet fit station, where Wilcox will be fitting and giving away dual certified helmets to keiki, while supplies last.
- Bicycle skills enhancement course conducted by Kauai Path.
- Skateboard skills enhancement course, where Kauai Skate Ohana will give tips and demonstrations on skateboard skills and proper use of safety gear.
- Bike and skateboard safety inspection stations, where Kauai Skate Ohana and Kauai Cycle will inspect bikes and skateboards to make sure they are operating safe.
- Helmet decorating station, where keiki can make their free helmets their own.
The event is made possible with the support of many community partners including AlohaCare, American Medical Response, Boy Scouts, FM 97, Hawaii Department of Transportation, Hawaii Life Flight, HMSA, Kauai Cycle, Kauai Medical Reserve Corps, Kauai Path, Kauai Skate Ohana, KQNG Radio Group, Lions Club, The Garden Island, Tyri Inc. and United Healthcare.