Hip impingement is a deformity to the ball and/or socket of the hip. This occurs when the ball (femoral head) and socket (acetabulum) rub abnormally against one another, damaging the hip joint due to increased wear and friction.

Signs and Symptoms

A person can have hip impingement for years and never know it. You may experience no pain at all, or experience discomfort only when you move your hip to its limit. As the condition progresses, you may feel pain during activities such as walking up a hill, riding a bike, tying your shoes or sitting for long periods of time.

The main symptoms of hip impingement are:

  • Stiffness in the groin or front of the thigh.
  • Loss of the hip’s full range of motion.

Treatment Options

  • Rest.
  • Modifying activities.
  • Exercise.
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain medications.
  • Hip impingement surgery.